3 More Engineering Jobs One can do From Home

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Engineering is an in-demand profession, specfically in the areas of rebuilding infrastructure, renewable energy, oil and gas extraction, and robotics. The median wage for engineers and relatedjobs are highly attractive. if you’re interested in this job category and working from home, this article is for you!

Below are 3 Attractive Engineering Jobs for stay-at-home Workers

Software Engineering Jobs

These engineers develop applications systems for computers and similar devices. Software engineers typically have a bachelor’s degree-in-computer science as well as strong computer programming skills.

Senior Systems Engineering Jobs

Senior systems engineers are in charge of planning, design and implementation of system engineering projects. They are proficient in windows/linux servers and usually also have a special area of expertise such as storage, virtualiztion or large-scale platforms.

Research Engineering Jobs

Research engineers invent and design innovative approaches to technology and find new uses for existing technology. This fast-growing occupation typically requires a master’s degree.