3 Reason Why Men Should Wear Bracelet

3 Reason Why Men Should Wear Bracelet
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As we know, it is easy to say a bracelets is not manly. However, if you know your history, you might remember that warriors and kings from various cultures wore armbands on wrists.

Historically, man adorned his bracelet with bones and shells to ward off evil spirits. Wealthy men wore bracelets to display their power and status. Bracelets evolved over time from good luck charm to status symbol to the modern style/accessory for men.

Below Are  3 Reasons Why A Bracelet Is A Must For Classy Man

A Bracelet Is A Conversation Starter

 A Bracelet Is A Conversation Starter

Accessories are visual cues to your personality. Interesting accessories always draw attention. You might find strangers start approaching you more often when you wear  bracelets that looks like it has cool stories associated with its purchase. Wearing a bracelet can be a great conversation starter. It could be the excuse the pretty woman in a café needs to strike up a conversation. It could break the lull in a slow conversation.

A Bracelet Amounts To An Instant Association

 A Bracelet Amounts To An Instant Association


Cultures have often associated bracelets with wealth and status. An instant association that identifies your status in society. In many countries in the Eastern part of the world, wearing a bracelet can signify that you are affluent. Although we no longer have class divisions in the West, in other parts of the world – bracelets are an automatic qualifier in society.The modern youth often sport colourful silicon bracelet or dangling charms to supports social cause and show allegiance to a group. A bracelet becomes part of their identity.Bracelets could also be worn as  reminders. An anchor to an experience that that was important to you. It could be a beaded you picked up in a plea market during a summer vacation in Italy. Or woven bracelets from your summer on Cape Cod. A paracord to remind you of a fantastic camping trip with your best friend or a fishing trip with your dad. Bracelets can have special meaning based on cultural traditions. In some countries, bracelets requirement of faith. In most of these places, bracelets are part of the culture and are often part of the normal dress code.

Some Simply Love Wearing A Bracelet

 Some Simply Love Wearing A Bracelet

Bracelets are a great way to add colour to your outfit. They can be addressed up or down. A woven bracelet that matches a colour from your shirt pattern, tie or pocket square is appropriate even in corporate environments Slip the same bracelets around your wrist for a lazy Sunday afternoon barbecue in your backyard at the beach.