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HomeBeauty4 Effective  Ways to Care for Your Baby’s Teeth

4 Effective  Ways to Care for Your Baby’s Teeth

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After watching your baby drool and fuss for a while, you finally spot that first little tooth bud popping up through the gums. Over the next couple of years, your baby’s gummy smile will gradually be replaced by two rows of baby teeth. A baby’s teeth may be small, they’re important. They act as placeholders for adult teeth. Without a healthy set of baby teeth, your child will have trouble chewing and speaking clearly. That’s why caring for baby teeth and keeping them decay-free is so important.

Below are 4 Ways to care for your Baby’s Teeth

Caring for Baby’s Gums

   Caring for Baby’s Gums

You can start caring for baby’s gums right away. But at first, the care won’t involve a toothbrush and toothpaste. Instaed, take these steps:

Get a soft, moistened washcloth or piece of gauze

Gently wipe down your baby’s gums at least twice a day.

Especially wipe your baby’s gums after feedings and before bedtime.

This will wash off bacteria and prevent them from clinging to gums. Bacteria can leave behind a sticky plaque that damages infant teeth as they come in.

Brushing a Baby’s Teeth

   Brushing a Baby’s Teeth

When the first baby teeth start to pop up, you can graduate to a toothbrush. Choose one with a :

Soft brush

Small head

Large handle

A first, just wet the toothbrush. As soon as teeth erupt, you can start using toothpaste in the amount of a grain of rice. You can increase this to pea-sized amount of fluoride toothpaste when your child is of age.

Brush Gently all Round your Baby’s Teeth – Front and Back

   Brush Gently all Round your Baby’s Teeth – Front and Back

You should brush your baby’s teeth until they are old enough to hold the brush. Continue to supervise the process until your child can rinse and spit without assistance. That usually happens at around age 6. Keep on the lookout for any sign of baby tooth decay-brown or white spots or pits on the teeth. If you or your pediatrician notices any problems, take your child to a pediatric dentist for an exam. Even if there isn’t a problem, your child should go for dentist visit by age 1. The dentist can give you advice about:

Baby’s teeth care



Thumb sucking



It can take years before all of the infant teeth have made their way through your baby’s gums. The process as each tooth emerges is called ‘teething’. It can be trying time for you and your baby. Teething is uncomfortable. That’s why your baby cries and fusses in the days or weeks before each baby tooth pops up.  Babies can display other teething symptoms, too, including:


Swollen gums

Slightly higher than normal temperature.

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