5 Dos and Donts Of  Bracelets For Classy Men

5 Dos and Donts Of Bracelets For Classy Men
Defacto Deals on Jumia

Previously, we had a peak of mens’ bracelets. Everywhere you looked someone seemed to be dangling half a dozen leather and  metal trinkets from each of his hairy forearms. It was a lot. But guys don’t need to over-correct and avoid wrist wear altogether this season; we just need to think a little bit harder about what we strap on. In this article we will be looking at the Dos And Donts of wearing and buying Bracelets by Men.

Below 5 Dos and Donts Of Bracelets For Classy Men

Do: Try And Embrace Colour

   Do: Try And Embrace Colour

Previously it was all about the dark woven leather bracelets or metallics. But you’re a man, and you’re wearing a bracelet. You might as well have fun. A bright orange, lilac , or teal wrist accessory is a good way to get some colour into an outfit if you don’t want to wear pants that are bright orange, options, but for the most saturated colours you’ll want to reach for  glass beads or woven nylon.

Don’t:  Avoid Heavy Metallic Bracelets

   Don’t:  Avoid Heavy Metallic Bracelets

Forget the studded leather cuff you wore in middle school and that giant turquoise and hammered silver thing you bought in Santa Fe. If you’re wearing metal, it should be modern and streamlined, not bulky and nostalgic, and nobody is making sleeker metal bangles than French jeweler Le Gramme. They come in Variety of thickness and metals.

Do: Engage In Varieties Of Bracelets

   Do: Engage In Varieties Of Bracelets

Embrace variety. This is the difference on your accessory choices and being just another bro with a party on his wrist and one  too many buttons undone on his Thomas Pink ‘going-out’ shirt. Either pick a small number of different styles of bracelets.

Don’t: Restrict Yourself To Only Mens’ Bracelets

   Don’t: Restrict Yourself To Only Mens’ Bracelets

Get over it. Man rose, man perfume, and man bracelets are all for marketing. A great bracelet is a great bracelet, regardless of which department you find it in. This Hermes creation, a simple leather cord held together with an oversized metal hook and eyelet, is a perfect example of what you’ll be missing if you stick to the dude section of the store.

Don’t: Forget Your Past

   Don’t: Forget Your Past

Ok. You’re a guy. Why are you wearing a bracelet again? Because it looks good probably. But if you feel like you need an extra explanation, think back to the times in your summers , did you spend the whole season wearing one of those white woven bracelets? Well, those are a thing again, and Rhode Island-based Kiel James Patrick makes some great ones. Used to go fishing along the old train trestles with your dad? What about one of those railroad spike bracelets that Giles & Brother have popularized? You use to make lanyard bracelets. Guess what-those are trendy now, too.