5 Effective Ways To Treat Dark Knuckles and Knees

5 Effective Ways To Treat Dark Knuckles and Knees
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Dark knuckles tend to lower our level of confidence. After all, who wants to sport those sinister patches on hands and feet? However, the good news is that dark knuckles can easily be treated at home by opting for a regular skincare regimen. In this article, we will be teaching how to treat dark knuckles and knees domestically.


Below are 5 ways to treat dark knuckles and knees


Be Gentle On Knuckles And Knees

 Be Gentle On Knuckles And Knees

Be gentle to your hands and feet. Avoid washing them with extremely hot water and refrain from rubbing them to hard. Go for manicures and pedicures. Also care for your knuckles by using soft loofahs and pumice stones on a regular basis to clean them.


Always Moisturize Your Knuckles and Knees

 Always Moisturize Your Knuckles and Knees

Always endeavour to keep those problem areas moisturized. Lay your hands on a good quality exfoliating cream which will not only hydrate your skin, but will also exfoliate it. Most importantly, always use a hand cream and foot cream before you go to bed. Alternately, try adding a few drops of glycerin, olive oil or jojoba oil to your regular cream and apply it on your knuckles. This helps to keep your skin soft and at the same time, reduces chances of drying out too early.


Exfoliate Your Knuckles And Knees With Lemon Juice

 Exfoliate Your Knuckles And Knees With Lemon Juice

Mix a spoon of lemon juice with sugar and rub your hands vigorously for about ten minutes. Do this every night before going to bed. The bleaching properties of lemon juice, together with the exfoliating properties of sugar would work wonders. Follow up with a hand cream.


Try Almond-Curd Treatment

 Try Almond-Curd Treatment

Mix crushed almonds with curd and apply the paste on your knuckles. Rub for 10 minutes. This practice, done  regularly, helps to reduce darkness and make skin fairer.


Moisturize Knuckle And Knees With Milk Cream

 Moisturize Knuckle And Knees With Milk Cream

Mix the content of a vitamin E capsule with some milk cream. Apply on your dry knuckles and knees and wait for about 5 minutes and wash off. It softens dry skin. You may add a pinch of turmeric to benefit from the antiseptic and skin-lightening properties of turmeric.


Finally, be regular in your skin care regimen. Bleaching your skin may take care of dark knuckles and knees temporarily and most easily; but remember, you may not like to use so many chemicals to camouflage this dark flaw Go the natural way and try out home remedies to treat dark knuckles and knees efficiently and completely.