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HomeBeauty5 Standard Ways to Grow a Stronger Hair

5 Standard Ways to Grow a Stronger Hair

Fashion and Beauty Deals on Jumia

On an average, everyone grows about a half an inch of hair every month. Although genetic factors can contribute to individual differences, it is not as significant as we think. There is a proven scientific formula to accelerate or stimulate stronger hair growth. Anyone who seems to have their hair grown faster is just because their hair has thicker texture and grows in higher density. When your hair becomes thicker and denser, it will look longer too.

Below are 5 Known Ways to Grown a Stronger Hair:

Trim Your Ends Regularly for Healthier and Stronger Hair Growth

   Trim Your Ends Regularly for Healthier and Stronger Hair Growth

This may sound counter-intuitive at the first glance. But it’s crucial to ensure that your hair grows healthily. When the ends of your hair splits, they will entangle each other and finally die off. Cutting a little part of your hair can make your hair healthier in the long term.

Massage Your Scalp For a Healthier and Stronger Hair Growth

   Massage Your Scalp For a Healthier and Stronger Hair Growth

Massaging your scalp can improve the blood circulation in your head and

stimulate the activity of your hair follicles. When more of your follicles become active, you can grow more hair and thus your hair looks longer. Here are two ways you can do it: rubbing your scalp with essential oil, or the inversion method that is recommended by many beauty bloggers.

Use Conditioner More often than Shampoo for Stronger Hair

   Use Conditioner More often than Shampoo for Stronger Hair

Many of us shampoo our hair when we shower, thinking that washing away dirt is good for our hair. But shampoo also takes away the natural oils on our head which is essential to keep our hair soft. Our hair will then become drier and weaker. It’s best to limit the use of shampoo to no more than twice a week.  Use conditioner whenever you wash your hair. Conditioner helps repair the damaged particles in your hair and gives you a stronger hair too.

Take Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Stronger Hair

   Take Omega-3 Fatty Acids for Stronger Hair

Omega-3 acids have anti-inflammatory properties. They prevent inflammation of the hair follicles, which is a common cause of hair loss. Omega-3 fats also protect the cells in the body and keep your scalp healthy. To reap the benefits of Omega-3 fats, eat fatty fish such as salmon, herring, or anchovies twice a week. If you’re not a fish fan, you can also take fish oil capsules.

Get Some Biotin for Stronger Hair Growth

   Get Some Biotin for Stronger Hair Growth

Biotin is a form of vitamin B. In rare cases of biotin deficiency, hair loss may be a problem. While available in capsules, biotin is also found in foods such as soybeans, beef liver, and butter.


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