5 Things to Do to Have Pink Lips

5 Things to Do to Have Pink Lips
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Have you ever tried to cover up discoloured lips with lipsticks? If you want to naturally pink lips that are dewy soft, the good news is that it is very much possible! There are many home remedies that you can try to make your lips pink permanently. You can include certain foods in your diet and follow a few skin care rituals to achieve pink lips fast.

Below are 5 Ways to Achieve the Pink Lips Look:

For Pink Lips, Use Sunscreen

   For Pink Lips, Use Sunscreen

A study found that 37% of people who sunscreen the right way also use it to protect their lips. Opt for a lip balm that has SPF 15 or more. It needs to be applied daily and refreshed frequently. This prevents damage from the sun’s rays.

Always Us Essential/Vitamin E oil For Pink Lips

   Always Us Essential/Vitamin E oil For Pink Lips

You can take a capsule of Vitamin E and break open. Apply it directly onto your lips to make them soft and pink. It is a proven aid in regenerating skin cells. Boosting circulation and preventing fine lines. When you choose your lip balm. Make sure they have essential oil as ingredients. They would contain natural emollients that can make your lips pink by keeping them moisturized.


For Pink Lips, Go Natural & Avoid Chemicals

   For Pink Lips, Go Natural & Avoid Chemicals

If you want pink lips naturally and yours are slightly darker or paler, let go of chemical-laden lipsticks. You can use pomegranate, beetroot or raspberry juice. Dab a little on your lips for a lovely pink hue for a few hours. Plus, they don’t make your lips go dry the way long-stay lipsticks do.

Always Prime Your Lips to Achieve the Pink Lips Look

   Always Prime Your Lips to Achieve the Pink Lips Look

Before you apply lipstick, it is always a good idea to lightly brush your lips with almond or coconut oil. Wait for a few minutes and then apply lipstick. You can also use lip balm instead. This acts as a protective layer, keeping the lips moisturized and preventing them from drying out due to the lipstick

Always Hydrate Internally For Pink Lips

   Always Hydrate Internally For Pink Lips

Keeping your lips moist at all times is a sure shot way to ensure they remain pink. Use aloe vera gel directly from the plant or buy bottled version to soothe and hydrate dry lips.


By and large, it is possible to have pink lips permanently with a few corrective measures. All you have to do is use the right moisturizing DIYs, eat antioxidant rich foods and avoid chemical-based lip balms and lipsticks as far as possible.