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HomeBeauty6 Healthy Tips For Classy Ladies On Nail Care

6 Healthy Tips For Classy Ladies On Nail Care

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Maybe you’re determined to stop biting your nails or peeling off your gel polish. Or perhaps you just want to maintain your nail health or learn how to fake a just-from-the-salon-type of manicure. Whatever the case is, you’ll want to put a nail professional’s advice into action. I’m here to teach you things you need to stop doing to your nails to keep them in tip-top shape.

Below Are 6 Healthy Nail Care Tips

Stop Cutting Your Cuticles

 Stop Cutting Your Cuticles

If you have a hangnail on the side of your nail bed, it can sometimes be painful if you don’t get rid of it. However, if hangnails aren’t trimmed away properly, you can actually cause more to crop up. Experts proposes that it is better to never cut your cuticles and instead, apply a cuticle-removing formula over the perimeter of your nail bed, and then push your cuticles back using flat tip of an orange stick or cuticle pusher. Then, gently remove the free-up dead skin with a tissue or the softest side of a buffing block to reveal and hangnail-free, clean-looking nail bed. This is one of the powerful nail care tips.

Don’t Use Other Nails As Chisels To Chip Off Your Nail Polish

 Don't Use Other Nails As Chisels To Chip Off Your Nail Polish

Anytime you purposely chip the paint off your nails, your chip away microscopic layers from your nail bed. This is bad for two reasons; It gives your nail a rough texture even if you can’t see it with your naked eye, and it can cause trauma to even chip or break the tip of the nail that you’re using as the chisel. So, to keep from hacking away at your nail polish, keep individually wrapped nail polish remover pads in your purse or pick up a nail polish removing formua that takes off lacquer in seconds.

Avoid water-based Manicures

 Avoid water-based Manicures

Think of your nail bed as a sponge: Dip it in water, and it will absorb the liquid and expand. Then, as it dries, it shrinks back down to its original size. Now, apply that strategy to getting a water-based manicure. Rather than soaking your tips in water, apply oil or a cuticle-removing formula on the skin around your nail bed, pushing back your cuticles with an orange stick, and then sweeping them away with a tissue.

Stop Peeling Off Your Gel Manicure

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This is one of the main things people should not do, because, as you peel the gel off, you end up peeling away super-thin layers of your nail along with the formula, which can cause divots that linger for months. Always soak your nails in a bowl of acetone-based polish to loosen the gel from your nail bed. Also put a ton of cuticle oil on and around your nails first and soak your tips in the remover for 10 minutes.

Avoid Getting Acrylics

 Avoid Getting Acrylics

Acrylics are really bad for your nails’ health. Not only is the formula super drying, because it’s actually suffocating to your nail bed, the application process can also cause indentations on your tips from all of the rough prep that needs to be done by nail tech to get the acrylic to adhere to your nails. If you want to take your nail care to another level you have to do it yourself.

Stop Sawing Your Nails Back And Forth When You File Them

 Stop Sawing Your Nails Back And Forth When You File Them

Know this, when you aggressively saw you nails with a file, it makes the tip frayed versus a clean edge. You also have less control over the shape you’re trying to create be it oval, square or round since your nail shaves down quicker when you file it too fast. Sometimes if your manicurist is too aggressive with the file, you can see your nail move back and forth, hence you have to avoid this mainly because all of the above is a gateway for peeling and premature breakage, since the harsh trauma of filling causes weakness. So it achieve a good nail care never saw your nails back and forth when you file them.

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