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HomeAccessories6 Legendary Style Pieces For Men Of Class

6 Legendary Style Pieces For Men Of Class

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Some men’s style piece are great, some are good, and then there are many that I look at nnow and wonder what I was thinking. In this article I will be saving you the hassle of wading through thousands of posts, and bring to your attention the gems hidden amongst the rocks.
Below are 6 good style pieces for men :

The White Dress Shirt Style

 The White Dress Shirt Style
Many of us don’t enjoy the hassle of washing our white dress shirts – but we should also realize their significance. We can trace back their history to the Victorian era. It was a period when white was symbolic of wealth. A dress shirt made of pure white cloth meant that you could afford to wash your clothes regularly. If you owned one, you must’ve also had others at home.That’s where the division of classes turned into the ‘blue collar’ categories we know of today. Some clerical workers even raised eyebrows wearing white – as they were dressing ‘above’ their social rank as mere empolyees. Today the white dress shirt is no longer exclusively for the rich – but it’s still an asset to your style. Any man can look good in it, especially with piece of other colours.

The White Pocket Square

 The White Pocket Square
The thing about pocket squares is that they came into the fashion scene relatively late. And by the time they did, their close cousins called hankerchiefs has already been used for centuries. But let me remind you – these two are not the same. You’ll always see hankerchiefs around. People need them to wipe off sweat, clean their noses or block off bad smells. But they don’t really have a place in your style – and definitely not in your jacket breast pocket. That’s where the pocket square belongs. If you’re questioning how useful pocket squares are – just look at some of the best-dressed men on the red carpet. W often see Justin Timberlake and Robert Downey, Jr. in their killer suits, but we don’t always notice the little detail on their pockets.

The Wayfarer Sunglasses

 The Wayfarer Sunglasses
This is the type of sunglasses that made waves in the 50s thanks to Ray Ban. The perfect combination of design and aesthetics was why they stood out. They were a refreshing alternative to the common eyewear at the time. Nowadays we have more sunglasses to choose from, but it’s good to remember that a classic is a classic. Wayfarers work well for an amazing retro style especially those with faintly coloured lenses. They bring out that nostalgia vibe without making you look old. If you want to go more ‘hipster’ , try the square wayfarer types. These are designed with a more modern technology – without losing their vintage feel. Their thick frames and rectangular shapes show a lot of masculinity. But don’t forget to buy shades that go perfectly with the shapes show a lot of masculinity.

The Single Blade Razor

 The Single Blade Razor
I want to stress the difference between the single and multiple blades. Do you know that feeling when your razor cuts a bit too deep. And then parts of your skin swell up and form red bumps? That’s the issue with multi-blade razors. It comes down to the fact that it’s a double-edge safety razor which moves across your skin at a much gentler angle. It cuts smoothly through your facial hair without the same pulling motion that multi-blade razors make. With a single bblade, there’s less risk of getting ingrown hairs after shaving.

The Lightweight V-Neck Sweater Style

 The Lightweight V-Neck Sweater Style

Sweater can be extremely useful for autumn and early spring. Those are the times you can wear additional layers without feeling too warm. They make a great change to your everyday style after those months of focusing on shirts. V-shaped neckline always takes your style a step further and complements the collar of your shirt. That’s why these sweaters are iconic.

The Denim Jeans Style

 The Denim Jeans Style

A well-fitted pair of jeans is for all men. It doesn’t matter how much hair you have on your head – or what colour it is – and how big or small you are. Women have always adored men in jeans, and they always will. It doesn’t matter how many guys prefer chinos or shorts. Jeans will always be in style.

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