6 Reasons Why Men Need Bow Ties

6 Reasons Why Men Need Bow Ties
Defacto Deals on Jumia

People who wear bow ties to make a statement. There is a certain responsibility associated with wearing a bow tie, so people that wears it always behave like a gentleman.A  bow tie can become  a conversation piece or the centre of attention, which makes choices about pattern and shape more important.


Below are 5 Good Reasons Why Men Need a Bow Ties


People Always Remember Guys In Bow Ties

 People Always Remember Guys In Bow Ties

Bow ties separate the man from every other “tie guy” in the room. Bow tie wearers have some things in common, confidence. Men in bow ties not only distinct themselves from the rest of the crowd  but bow ties attract the eye to the face allowing people to remember the wearer. The bow tie brings a great look to any gentleman. Not everyone is willing to take the risk of wearing a bow tie, but those who do are remembered.


A  Bow Tie Can’t Be Covered In Sauce During Your Business Lunch

  Bow Ties Can’t Be Covered In Sauce During Your Business Lunch

 Silk neckties are not washable so if you get them dirty you have to send them to the drycleaner, which may be expensive or it may ruin your fancy tie. It’s way easier with a wooden bow tie – you may need just a tissue to wipe an accessory. When you wear a wooden bow tie you don’t have to protect your neckwear from your order of chicken wings or pork ribs.


To Have Variety Of Accessories In Your Wardrobe Is Important

 To Have Variety Of Accessories In Your Wardrobe Is Important


 It actually good for you. It allows you to not look  like the guy who always wears the same clothes. A bow tie are simple way to show independence while staying within the limitations of work or formal outfit. They can also elevate your style to make life a celebration.


Bow Ties Raise Your IQ  

 Bow Ties Raise Your IQ  

A list of bow tie wearers consists of academics, engineers, entrepreneurs, scientists, political leaders and writers. Winston Churchill, Albert Einstein, Abraham Lincoln, Thomas Edison and Mark Twain wore bow ties. Did they wear bow ties because they were geniuses or were they geniuses because they wore bow ties? You tell me.


A Memorable Gift Is always with you

 A Memorable Gift Is always with you

For sure you have few things, which you received as a gift and never saw them again – they were useless. Or opposite way –  you were gifted an interesting  and personal present which is pleasant to see every day. If you were lucky to receive a wooden bow tie, you may have a personal engraving on it, which will always remind you of something important to you and which is great to wear on you.