9 Things You Should Know About Your Nail

9 Things You Should Know About Your Nail
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A healthy nail is smooth and have a consistent colour. Anything else affecting the growth or appearance of the fingernails or toenails may indicate an abnormality. A person’s nail can say a lot about the state of their health. In this article, we will be discussing things you need to know about your nails.


Below Are 9 things To know about your nail


Your nails are made of Keratin

 Your nails are made of Keratin

Keratin is a type of protein that forms the calls that make up the tissue in nails and other parts of your body. Keratin plays an important role in nail health. It protects nail from damage by making them strong and resilient.


Nails Change Colour According To Ones’ Health

 Nails Change Colour According To Ones’ Health

About 10% percent of all dermatological conditions are nail-related. Yellow, brown, or green nails usually mean you have a fungal infection. In some cases, yellow nails are a symptom of a thyroid condition, psoriasis, or diabetes.


Fingernails grow about 3.5 millimeters each month

 Fingernails grow about 3.5 millimeters each month

Additionally, toenails grow about 1.5 millimeters per month. Those are the average for healthy adults. Whether you’re getting proper nutrition and how well you take care of your nails can affect the growth rate


It separates primates from other mammals

 It separates primates from other mammals

Primates, including humans, have nails instead of claws as well as opposable thumbs. This gives human more agile hands that allow us to grasp things better than other mammals.


Cuticles Have A Purpose

 Cuticles Have A Purpose

This small silver of skin at the base of your nail protects the nail from germs as it grows through your skin. You shouldn’t cut your cuticles. Doing so removes the important barrier that helps prevent infection.


Stress Affects Nails


Stress can cause your nails to grow more slowly even temporarily stop growing. When they start growing again, you might have horizontal lines across your nails. They’re usually harmless and will grow out.


Seasons Influence Growth

 Seasons Influence Growth

Nails grow faster in summer that in winter. Not much research has been done about why this happens, but one study involving rats found that cold weather stunted their nail growth.


The Visible Nails are dead


Nails start  growing under your skin. As new cells grow, they push old ones through your skin. The part you can see consists of dead cells. That’s why it doesn’t hurt to cut tour nails.

Finally, your nails give you a picture of your overall health. Changes in your nail colour or a disruption in their growth could be symptoms of a medical condition, poor nutrition, or excessive stress. Talk to your doctor if you’re worried about recent changes to your nails.