As we know, beauty is more than skin deep. Cosmetics companies and the FDA maintain that chemicals are safe, and many of them are in small doses at the least. The fact remains that no one really knows how certain chemicals affect us over time, or how they react in our bodies in combination, other chemicals have known dangers: phthalates, for example, which are often found in artificial fragrances, are a class of hormone disruptor which can be linked to birth defects, sperm damage, infertility, and fermination of baby boys, for instance.
Make sure your natural is natural
Toxic synthetic chemicals are the biggest issue the beauty industry today, so it pays to hone a keen e.g when it comes to examining products labels.
Choose Nontoxic, Recyclable Packaging
One can never go wrong with glass because it`s recyclable and has no danger to teaching toxins into the products contained within. As far as plastics go, polythene terephthalate and high density polythene are most frequently accepted by municipal curbside recycling programs and are considered safe; polycarbonate, may leach the endocrine disruptor bisphenol.
Choose Organic Beauty And Grooming Products For Glowy Skin
Organic ingredients are those grown without synthetic fertilizers or pesticides, which is healthier for the body. Better still are botanicals grown using biodynamic farming methods, that goes beyond organic by emphasizing an even more holistic relationship between the soil, plants and animals.
Make Your Own Green Skin Care Treatments
The best way to know exactly what goes into your skin care products is to make your own. Not only will you save money and packaging, but you will also get the satisfaction that no preservatives or toxic chemicals were used in the process. One can whip up a simple, effective face mask using little more than honey and coconut oil, make a vegetable toner, or create an acne-fighting toner with green tea. And that could even be for starters.