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General Overview Of Things To Know About Of Our Nails

General Overview Of Things To Know About Of Our Nails

Fact is that you may not think about your nails, unless you just painted them blue or your mom says it’s time to trim them. But your nails have a job to do. The hard surface of your nails helps to protect the tips of your fingers and toes. And your fingernails make it easier to scratch an itch or remove a dog hair from your sweater. Nails generally are made of keratin. This is the same substance your body uses to create hair and the top layer of your skin. You had fingernails and toenails before you were even born. Our nails start in the nail root, hidden under the cuticle. When cells at the root of the nail grow, the new nail cells push out the old nail cells. These old cells flatten and harden, thanks to keratin, a protein made by these cells. The newly formed nail then slides along the nail bed, the flat surface under your nails. The nail bed sits on top of tiny blood vessels that feed it and give your nails their pink colour.


Below are few tips about our nails


How To Care For Our Nails

2. Cuticle Pusher

A nail clipper or a pair of nail of  nail scissors may be used. To smooth jagged edges, you can use a nail file or emery board, which works like sandpaper.


Fingernails should be trimmed straight across and slightly rounded at the top. Having nicely trimmed nails can keep you from biting or picking at them, which can lead to infections. It’s also a good idea to moisturize nails and cuticles regularly. A little hand lotion or moisturizer will do the trick.


Perfect Manicures And Pedicures For Our Nails

Hand and foot numness

Sometimes people get their fingernails and toenail cut and polished by a professional in a salon. Manicures and pedicures are popular services for girls and women. If you get one, you’ll want to be sure the salon follows strict guidelines for cleaning it tools and the stations where hands and feet are washed, trimmed, buffed, and polished.

Furthermore, to prevent infections and other problems, experts recommend taking our personal nail clippers and other tools to the  manicurist or pedicurist. That’s better because you won’t be exposed to bacteria and other bad stuff that can linger on the tools that were used on other people’s hands and feet.


Use special care with sharp tools, nail polish remover. These items can be especially dangerous if a little brother or sister gets ahold of them.

3 Ways Determine Your Health Status With Nails

3 Ways Determine Your Health Status With Nails

Next time you want to admire your nails, have a closer look. Scratch beneath the surface and find out how your fingernails can present an accurate picture of your health. Nails grow at a rate of around 1mm per week- that’s twice the rate of toenails – and take around six months to grow from bottom to top. As a result they act as a map revealing your physical health and general well-being. Depending on their shape, texture and colour, your nail can provide important clues to underlying disorders, food intolerances or nutritional imbalances. Here, we show you how to be your own doctor and learn how to read your nails.


Below are tips on how to know about your health issues from your nails


The Texture of Your Nails

 The Texture of Your Nails

Nail texture can also reveal a person’s physical and mental condition. Try to cut out on refined foods, such as sugar and flour, and eating wholegrains, pulses and plenty of fresh vegetables. Brittle fingernails indicates liver congestion from lack of vegetables, pulses and fish. Flaky nail shows over-consumption of sugar, additives and pharmaceutical drugs. Horizontal ridges: point to congested liver, kidney, digestion tract and liver stagnation.


The shape of nails

 The shape of nails

Traditional Chinese medicine believes that the shape of your fingernails reveal tell tale signs of your innate constitution. When it is oblong, you are harmonious and well balanced. When it is oval, you are sensitive and have a  weak digestive system. When square, you are earthy and balanced but mentally rigid.


The Colour  Of  Your Nails

 The Colour  Of  Your Nails

As we know, healthy nail beds are pink due to the rich blood supply underneath them. Any changes in colour are an important indicator of deficiencies, lack of nutrients or more obviously, an accident. White fingernails indicates lack of iron and poor circulation where the blood is not reaching the end of your fingers. You can build your blood by increasing your magnesium intake. Dark red nails can be a result of high content of fatty acids and cholesterol due to excess of diary, sugar and salt. This can lead to an underactive liver blocked arteries. Try replacing refined foods with whole grain and bread. Also flush out the system with plenty of fresh vegetables and at least five glasses of water per day. Red-purple nails indicates an upset digestive system caused by over consumption of sugar, pharmaceutical drugs, fruits and juices. Avoid tropical fruit which hold a high content  of sugar and eat plenty of seasonal vegetables, whole grains and pulses.


9 Things You Should Know About Your Nail

9 Things You Should Know About Your Nail

A healthy nail is smooth and have a consistent colour. Anything else affecting the growth or appearance of the fingernails or toenails may indicate an abnormality. A person’s nail can say a lot about the state of their health. In this article, we will be discussing things you need to know about your nails.


Below Are 9 things To know about your nail


Your nails are made of Keratin

 Your nails are made of Keratin

Keratin is a type of protein that forms the calls that make up the tissue in nails and other parts of your body. Keratin plays an important role in nail health. It protects nail from damage by making them strong and resilient.


Nails Change Colour According To Ones’ Health

 Nails Change Colour According To Ones’ Health

About 10% percent of all dermatological conditions are nail-related. Yellow, brown, or green nails usually mean you have a fungal infection. In some cases, yellow nails are a symptom of a thyroid condition, psoriasis, or diabetes.


Fingernails grow about 3.5 millimeters each month

 Fingernails grow about 3.5 millimeters each month

Additionally, toenails grow about 1.5 millimeters per month. Those are the average for healthy adults. Whether you’re getting proper nutrition and how well you take care of your nails can affect the growth rate


It separates primates from other mammals

 It separates primates from other mammals

Primates, including humans, have nails instead of claws as well as opposable thumbs. This gives human more agile hands that allow us to grasp things better than other mammals.


Cuticles Have A Purpose

 Cuticles Have A Purpose

This small silver of skin at the base of your nail protects the nail from germs as it grows through your skin. You shouldn’t cut your cuticles. Doing so removes the important barrier that helps prevent infection.


Stress Affects Nails


Stress can cause your nails to grow more slowly even temporarily stop growing. When they start growing again, you might have horizontal lines across your nails. They’re usually harmless and will grow out.


Seasons Influence Growth

 Seasons Influence Growth

Nails grow faster in summer that in winter. Not much research has been done about why this happens, but one study involving rats found that cold weather stunted their nail growth.


The Visible Nails are dead


Nails start  growing under your skin. As new cells grow, they push old ones through your skin. The part you can see consists of dead cells. That’s why it doesn’t hurt to cut tour nails.

Finally, your nails give you a picture of your overall health. Changes in your nail colour or a disruption in their growth could be symptoms of a medical condition, poor nutrition, or excessive stress. Talk to your doctor if you’re worried about recent changes to your nails.

4 Main Causes Of Dark Joints In The Skin Of Colour

4 Main Causes Of Dark Joints In The Skin Of Colour

Skin of colour as we know is prone to pigmentation problems. Along with being easily affected by hyper pigmentation, another vital issue is a tendency towards developing dark joints around the knees, elbows, knuckles and toe . The darkness is due to the type of skin in this area, which slightly bunches up when joints are extended is necessary to allow for movement of the joints, so you might see darkness in the elbows, knees, knuckles, toes, heels and anklebone.

However, there is no permanent way to lighten these areas.  Because of this continual movement, the removal of some of the darkness in this area is only temporary. Another thing that contributes to the darkening of the skin is the frequent friction and pressure placed on these areas.

Knocking on doors with our knuckles, wearing poorly fitting shoes that rub against our heels, or flip flops that makes us grip our toes, plus kneeling and crawling on our knees, resting elbows on hard desks, and more causes trauma to the skin leading to discoloration.

In addition, the body also responds to damage by thickening the skin in the area it perceives as being under attack. We tend to consider this area of skin to be tougher and attempt to scrub away the roughness and darkness, only to make the condition worse. Bumps, bruises and other trauma lead to hyper pigmentation in Asian, olive and dark skin tones in which the melanocytes are especially active.

Below are 4 main causes of dark Joints In the Body

1. Eczema As a Cause Of Dark Joints

 Eczema As a Cause Of Dark Joints

The irritated and thickened skin can be darker than the surrounding skin.

2. Scleroderma As a cause of Dark Joints

 Scleroderma As a cause of Dark Joints

This is a condition that causes scarring of the skin and joints. The disease can affect skin pigmentation and cause dark spots and scarring of skin over the joints, leading to discoloration as well as difficulty in movement.

3. Acanthosis Nigricans as a Cause of Dark Joints

 Acanthosis nigricans as a cause of dark joints

Though symptoms of Acanthosis Nigricans is a growth of dark patches and thickened skin on folds of skin, such as the armpit, inside of the elbow backs of the knees and neck, it can lead to dark patches of skin over such areas as the knuckles.

This condition develops as a sign of insulin resistance. The excess insulin interferes with skin cells, leading to patches of excess skin growth and hyper pigmentation.

Dermatomyositis as a Cause of Dark Joints

 Dermatomyositis As a cause of Dark Joints

This is an inflammatory muscle disease accompanied by skin rashes. One sign and symptom of the disease is Gottron’s papules. Abnormal pigmentation can develop over knuckles, knees, ankles and elbow joints. It’s often mistaken for psoriasis.

5 Effective Ways To Treat Dark Knuckles and Knees

5 Effective Ways To Treat Dark Knuckles and Knees

Dark knuckles tend to lower our level of confidence. After all, who wants to sport those sinister patches on hands and feet? However, the good news is that dark knuckles can easily be treated at home by opting for a regular skincare regimen. In this article, we will be teaching how to treat dark knuckles and knees domestically.


Below are 5 ways to treat dark knuckles and knees


Be Gentle On Knuckles And Knees

 Be Gentle On Knuckles And Knees

Be gentle to your hands and feet. Avoid washing them with extremely hot water and refrain from rubbing them to hard. Go for manicures and pedicures. Also care for your knuckles by using soft loofahs and pumice stones on a regular basis to clean them.


Always Moisturize Your Knuckles and Knees

 Always Moisturize Your Knuckles and Knees

Always endeavour to keep those problem areas moisturized. Lay your hands on a good quality exfoliating cream which will not only hydrate your skin, but will also exfoliate it. Most importantly, always use a hand cream and foot cream before you go to bed. Alternately, try adding a few drops of glycerin, olive oil or jojoba oil to your regular cream and apply it on your knuckles. This helps to keep your skin soft and at the same time, reduces chances of drying out too early.


Exfoliate Your Knuckles And Knees With Lemon Juice

 Exfoliate Your Knuckles And Knees With Lemon Juice

Mix a spoon of lemon juice with sugar and rub your hands vigorously for about ten minutes. Do this every night before going to bed. The bleaching properties of lemon juice, together with the exfoliating properties of sugar would work wonders. Follow up with a hand cream.


Try Almond-Curd Treatment

 Try Almond-Curd Treatment

Mix crushed almonds with curd and apply the paste on your knuckles. Rub for 10 minutes. This practice, done  regularly, helps to reduce darkness and make skin fairer.


Moisturize Knuckle And Knees With Milk Cream

 Moisturize Knuckle And Knees With Milk Cream

Mix the content of a vitamin E capsule with some milk cream. Apply on your dry knuckles and knees and wait for about 5 minutes and wash off. It softens dry skin. You may add a pinch of turmeric to benefit from the antiseptic and skin-lightening properties of turmeric.


Finally, be regular in your skin care regimen. Bleaching your skin may take care of dark knuckles and knees temporarily and most easily; but remember, you may not like to use so many chemicals to camouflage this dark flaw Go the natural way and try out home remedies to treat dark knuckles and knees efficiently and completely.





6 Main Causes Of Dark Knuckles

6 Main Causes Of Dark Knuckles

Dark knuckles are not in the least desirable. They are so visible which makes having them worrisome. No one likes a have unduly dark knuckles because they are a sore sight and bearer become more self conscious of their hands.

Several remedies are out there, both home-made and chemical induced, but we think it’s best to take a step back and find out what exactly causes one’s knuckles to turn dark.

Below are Some of The Causes Of Dark Knuckles



Your knuckles are put into use for knocking on hard surfaces like doors, tanks, or handling rough materials such as sand paper and the back of rugs. These activities cause friction.

These frictions result as one of three: tougher skin, darker skin or both. The knuckles need care, attention and pampering because they do hard work. It is always best to wear protective gloves while engaging in activities that could cause harm to our hands.

Dark Knuckles Inherited

 Dark Knuckles Inherited

Yes, having a dark knuckles are hereditary in some cases. Genetics come to play in transfer from parents to offspring. So this dark pigmentation is passed on sometimes, and sadly so!

Untreated Skin Infection

 Untreated Skin Infection

Skin infections like eczema, psoriasis are major causes of dark knuckles. In some cases, medications used to treat skin infections such as Minocycline have discoloration as side effects and this could be a leading cause of dark knuckles.



Constant exposure to harsh chemicals will over time cause dryness around the knuckles. Hazardous chemicals like hand-wash detergents, washing agents, cloth bleaches are to be handled with care.

Also, submerging hands in hot water and harsh sun rays causes dryness and dark knuckles. Instead of leaving your hands dry every hand wash which will cause dryness and in turn lead to dark knuckles, apply a coat of hand moisturizer to soften your hands.

Excessive Use Of  Cosmetics

 Excessive Use Of  Cosmetics

A bunch of us witness this. Extreme and continuous use of  skin lightening, brightening lotions may enhance skin complexion but they leave out the knuckles.

This is because the skin on the knuckles requires better treatment and more attention as they are tougher. Product junkies who jump from one product to the other leave their knuckles vulnerable and their skin prone to chemical allergies.

Layers Of Dead Skin

 Layers Of Dead Skin

We all know that exfoliating get rid of dead skin that hinders the work of skin care products. In that vain, not exfoliating allow dead skin to stay longer which would form dark patches on your skin and knuckles.

Among all causes of dark knuckles, this is the most avoidable. It takes a conscious effort to take better care of our skin, especially the knuckles.

6 Ways To Maintain Your Beards

6 Ways To Maintain Your Beards

You might think that growing a beard requires little more than, you know, growing it. But that’s not the case. Like the hair on top of your head, your beards require maintenance: washing, trimming, conditioning, and yes, even brushing. To keep your beard looking and smelling good, you’re going to have to put in some work. So to prepare you for that impressive beard you’ve been itching-possibly literally-grow out, here’s everything you need to know about keeping it in tip-top shape.


Below are 6  Tips On How To Maintain Your Beards


Always Wash Your Beards

 Always Wash Your Beards

You wouldn’t use regular face soap on your hair, so it makes no sense to use it on your beard as well. They’re both hair, and hair needs shampoo. Fortunately, there are plenty of great beard-specific shampoo out there that use special botanicals to help soften the hair and keep it from getting dried out. Just make sure that whatever you use you like the smell of it.


Endeavour To Condition It

 Endeavour To Condition It

Keeping your beard soft is the key to not wanting to shave it all off. A dry scratchy beard will be unbearable, and the way to avoid that is to use a beard conditioner. A good conditioner will moisturize your beard, and it will keep it healthy-two important factors in maintaining face comfort. A conditioner also has the added benefit of working almost like a styling gel, so you can keep that thing tame and not look like you just rolled in from eight years of living alone in the woods.


Disinfect Your Beards

 Disinfect Your Beards

Beards can get pretty gross-all that food, sweating, sneezing, etc. So while washing it is essential, a good added measure is an antibacterial beard balm. Something that further helps soften, but also kills all of the little microscopic critters hoping to set up shop in there.


Always Trim Your Beards

 Always Trim Your Beards

The final piece of maintenance for your beard is that you need to occasionally trim it. Beard hair doesn’t always grow evenly, plus, as it grow out, you’re going to want to give it a little bit of shape. This is best done with a quality beard trimmer one with a selection of attachments that you can use to keep from accidentally carving out giant bald spots if your hands slips.


Try And Be Brushing Your Beards

 Try And Be Brushing Your Beards

Keep your beards from getting tangled and unruly by brushing it everyday with a beard brush. It’ll also help spread the beard oil you’re using to keep your beard as healthy as possible.


Oil Your Beards Regularly

 Oil Your Beards Regularly

Always oil your beards. While a conditioner does soften your beard, a good beard oil will soften your beard, a good beard oil will soften it even further, plus has the added advantage of warding off the dreaded beard dandruff. No one wants to see a guy with a dusting of skin flakes down the front of his shirt after all.There are some good beard oil that will make your beards smell amazing. Hence, it leaves your face smelling amazing.

3 Vital Reasons Guys Grow Beards

3 Vital Reasons Guys Grow Beards


Beardsmen are seen as masculine, tenacious, and resourceful. Or at least that’s how we hope we’re being perceived. With the lore that’s built up around the modern beardsman in recent years, more and more formerly completely shaven gents are letting their razors takes a sabbatical and embracing the hairier side of life. The question that’s on everyone’s mind when you start growing a beard though: why are you really growing one? Every beard is different and everyone has their own unique set of circumstances launching them into the bearded lifestyle, but more often than not, the reasoning behind their new man manes is usually much simpler or more obvious than you’d assume. With that in mind, let’s take a look at some of the good reasons guy grow beards.


Below Are 3 Reasons Men Grow Beards


Beards Always Look Cool

 Beards Always Look Cool

This should come as a shock to no one, beards look good on a lot of guys. Whether you’re going for a lighter, more groomed approach or just letting your beard run wild, you’ll at the very least make a more distinct impression when friends, family, or strangers notice you. Growing a beard will give you a presence that can’t be replicated in any other way. Without doing anything besides letting your body act naturally, you’ll look more masculine, come off more confident and suddenly appear capable of building your own cabin. If you want to change your look and make a statement, growing a beard is the easiest way to do it.


Beards Help Men To Look Warm

 Beards Help Men To Look Warm

Many, many generations ago, men grew beards not out of choice, but out of necessity. In the early days, unless you were very handy with a piranha or a sharp piece of rock, you probably weren’t shaving too regularly. Since then, men in colder climates have relied on their beards to help them stay warm and protect their faces against the harsh elements of winter. Snow, rain, ice, wind, and dryness can all take a toll on a guy’s face and, although eons ago beardsmen were more worried about survival rather than comfort, these days the latter is at the forefront. Sure, guys in early climate should and are experimenting with beards, but it’s the fellas that call places like Minneapolis, Montreal, Stockholm, and Liverpool home rely on their beards to be both easy on the eyes and as their last lines of defense against mother nature’s more frigid side.


When Someone Else Suggests It

 When Someone Else Suggests It

For some guys, wanting to grow a beard isn’t enough to get them to lay down the razor. Like all of us, sometimes it helps if someone else makes the suggestion, thereby providing the boost of confidence and encouragement needed to wander into uncharted grooming territory. Particularly, if someone you’re fond of suggests it, many beardsmen will take this as a cue to think bearded thoughts and begin the journey towards hairy glory. Sometimes all it takes is a little encouragement to change your life for the better and before you know it, you’ll be encouraging friends to do the same.


4 Effective Ways To Grow Beards

4 Effective Ways To Grow Beards

Over the last decade, beards have made a big comeback and more and more men are sporting (grow beards) them. You may have tried to grow one yourself, but been frustrated that it hasn’t come in faster or fuller. Unfortunately, there’s no secret tonic that will make your hair grow quicker and/or thicker. If it’s not in the genes, it’s just not going to happen. Just as your hair colour is determined by your DNA, so are your facial growing propensities and patterns. Your hair won’t magically change colours overnight, and neither will a beard suddenly sprout if you’re 35 and haven’t seen much hair on that chin chin yet. That’s just the way it is.


Below Are 4 Ways to Grow Beards


Firstly, You Must Be Patient


 Firstly,You Must Be  Patient

Everyone’s facial hair grows in at different speeds, thicknesses, and ranges. There just isn’t a whole lot you can do to change this. The good news in that with the little patience, most men can rock some style of facial hair. For some it’ll be a full beard, and for others it might just be a light goatee whichever style you go with achieving it might take a month or it might take a year – it’s all about patience. When growing a beards , especially for the first time, just don’t touch the dang thing for at latest a few weeks. It will likely be itchy and uneven, but that’s okay. You can deal with it for awhile.


Eat Right, Sleep Well Right, Exercise

 Eat Right, Sleep Well Right, Exercise

Hair growth is promoted by a few things that relate to your general health and well being. First, most of your hair-growing happens overnight, when cellular turnover is at its peak. If you aren’t resting and re-charging properly, your hair isn’t growing as well as it could. Another byproduct of not being rested is decreased blood flow, which means less nutrients reaching their destination. Less nutrients equals comprised health and growth of facial hair. Get your 7-8 hours of sleep each night, and your budding beard will thank you. In addition to getting plenty of exeriscise, eating a balanced diet of proteins, veggies, whole grains, fats etc. Will also enhance your hair’s growth rate and health.


Take Care  Of The Skin Underneath

 Take Care  Of The Skin Underneath

Happy hair comes most heartily and speedily out of well-cared-for skin underneath it. You probably don’t associate the male set with good skin care, but adopt a routine of washing your face well each morning and night exfoliating 1-2 times per week, but so is the much cheaper Dove Men’s Scrub, and regularly using a moisturizer to keep your skin hydrated. Not only will it encourage facial hair growth, but your complexion will improve too.


Increase Your Test Testosterone

 Increase Your Test Testosterone

Taking care of your physical health will not only increase the blood flow and nutrients your hair needs to thrive, it will also boost your testosterone, a hormone related to hair growth. Testosterone acts to prime the hair follicle for growth, and then DHT promotes the actual growth of the hair. So, generally speaking, more testosterone equals more facial hair and better growth.


6 ways To Style An Onesie For Classy Ladies

6 ways To Style An Onesie For Classy Ladies

According to Finery London, Onesie (jumpsuit) deserves its own day, and thus today. The perfect all-in-one solution to all those festive parties and winter weddings looming, jumpsuits are around in plethora of styles right now, and can be styled multiple ways. Onesies have been around for years and are usually easy to find a vintage  clothing shops, both walk-in and virtual ones. Fit is key. The waist should be cinched at the smallest part of your waist or right below it for the most flattering fit.


Below are 6 things to remember When putting Onesie (Jumpsuit) Together


Try A Sexy Boiler

 Try A Sexy Boiler

To prove that this style is not just for boys, many celebrities nail this look. People like Gwen Stefani and Alison Loehnis  slay this look. Being a boxy shape, the sexy boiler needs those roll-ups, and whenever possible a high, strappy sandal.


 Keep It Simple


If it’s your first time in onesie (jumpsuit) territory, start simple like most celebrities. A graphic black style is a super-safe bet and only needs minimal accessorizing, hair, makeup. The fact that you’re wearing a jumpsuit at all is statement enough.


Dress Your Onesie Down

Dress Your Onesie Down

Similar to donning a hat, slipping into a jumpsuit can have the immediate effect of making you feel overdressed. Counter-balance any insecurities by teaming it with trainers and a “what, this old thing” air of nonchalance.


Pick A Pattern

 Pick A Pattern

If you’ve already found your onesie or jumpsuit feet, up the ante by trying out an all-over print. It is not just a flamboyant style statement, a printed all-in-one beats its printed ‘separates’ counterparts by banishing coordination quandaries and distracting from a multitude of sins.


Sharpen Up The Loosey-Goosey

 Sharpen Up The Loosey-Goosey

Wide-legged jumpsuits like this pair modeled by many Hollywood celebrities. You can combine this onesie with the highest heels you can bear to wear, and the addition of a tailored jacket to add sharp shape.


Wear The Right Onesie For Your Shape

 Wear The Right Onesie For Your Shape

It is quite important to choose the right cuts for your body shape. Jumpsuits and onesie, unlike their spandex predecessors, tend to be loose fitting-more like pajamas. Ensure you go for the onesie that is perfect for your shape or body type.

This one piece wonder will make dressing for warmer weather seem as easy as apple pie. Polka dots, stripes, monochrome, pick your pleasure and you will be set. Wearing one is incredibly comfortable and versatile. You’ll be floating in and out of summer feeling fashionably content.