A Brief History On Sandal(s)
The sandal is the simplest form of foot covering, consisting of a sole held to the foot using a configuration of straps. Sandals can be utilitarian and bought from a street vender in Bombay for a few rupees, or a work of art, designed by Manolo Blahnik and selling...
5 Standard Reasons Why Women Love Good Shoes
Shoes, dear good shoes, oh, how do we love thee? Of course, we can’t be the first women to be totally obsessed with good shoes, nor be the last. First, there was Cinderella, then there was Carrie Bradshaw, oh, and nearly every single female out there, if we’re counting...
3 Reasons Women Love To Wear Shoes
Long before spiked heels with exotic names became objects of desire, chicks have been shoe-crazy. But recently, we got proof of exactly how crazy while sales of most things have plummeted thanks to the recession, footwear sales have gone up compared to the same period last year. Yes, buying...
Classy Heeled Shoes That Put Women In Their Place
In many of photos of women on the red carpet at the Cannes Film Festival, the elegant gowns fall all the way to the ground, obscuring a view of their special-occasion footwear. So why on earth would it matter if women entering the prestigious celebration of cinema chose not...
Stylish and Comfortable Footwears For Women
Women footwears offer a better variety than men’s footwear. You have a wide array of women footwear to choose from. Women cowboy and girl sweater slouch boots are ideal for fashion lovers to show themselves stylish. You can keep up pace with changing and trend and fashion by outfitting...
Potential Health Impact Of Our Footwear Choices
Modern footwear has been associated with the development of foot pain and pathology in the ageing adult. Yet this foot health issue does not seem to alter the footwear purchase made by younger women. Teenagers were questioned regarding shoes purchased over a 6-month period. The results indicated that footwear...
Back-To-School Shopping Tips For Kids’ Shoes
The start of a new school year brings two certainties: new clothes and new shoes. Unlike in years past, today’s shelves are stocked with a variety of shoe types than run the gamut in style and fit. As such, parents have much more to consider when shopping for back-to-school...
Few Lessons On How To Get A Child’s School Shoe
Researching which school shoes to buy can leave parents feeling like they’re failing at comprehension. Why are some expensive? Are the cheaper ones OK? Buckles, Velcro or laces? And why-in-the name-of-all-that’s-holy do my kids wear them out so quickly. It’s an annual dilemma for parents of school-aged kids (and...
4 Best and Comfortable School Shoes For Kids
Mhmm…, the collective sigh of the nation’s parents at the prospect of shopping for school shoes. It’s a stressful occasion, for sure, especially if you have several pairs of feet to clad for new school shoes doesn’t have to be a nightmare. Get a few things straight before you...
4 Ways On How To Make Your Shoes Durable
Like we all know, every type of shoe-from sneakers to brogues- requires special attention. With these tips your kicks may outlast you and make these shoes durable. Not all shoes are created equal. You can’t treat a canvas sneaker the same way you would a leather brogue. But each...