How Teachers and Staff can Ease Students with Mental Health Issue
Studies have demonstrated that school-based mental health services delivered by teachers and other school personnel helped reduce mental health issues to elementary-aged children. An expert on mental health once says that much remains to be learned about the effectiveness of school-based mental health programs, which in turn can meaningfully...
Seeing Mental Illness as a Medical Illness in our Society
The nature of mental illness has been the subject of passionate discussion throughout history. In ancient Greece Plato, promoting a mentalist definition of mental illness, was the first to coin the term ‘mental health’ which was conceived as a reason aided by temper and ruling over passion. At around...
Importance of Mental Illness Awareness
Mental illness affect 19% of the adult population, 40% of teenagers and 13% of children each year. People struggling with their mental health may be in your family, live next door, teach your children, work in the next cubicle or sit in the same church pew. However, only half...
3 More Great Business to Start in this Pandemic
If you’re concerned about maximizing your profit while minimizing your workload, a good small business to start might be any of the ones that most frequently prove successfully. However, if you’re more interested in incorporating your passions into your work while earning enough money to live, a good small...
4 Standard Business Idea (s) for would-be Entrepreneurs
Starting a standard business takes a lot of work but with the right tools and guidelines, you can get your company up and running in no time. With this in mind, your specific business journey will be unique to you.
Below are 4 Standard Business for Entrepreneurs
Standard Business - Transcription...
5 Sound Business Ideas to Engage-in 2024
Most people want to start a business, but are having tough time articulating their ideas. If you want to become an entrepreneur, it’s important to start with a great business idea. All you need is a bit of inspiration and a sound business idea. If you are ready to...
4 Business Hacks for Upcoming Entrepreneurs in 2023
If you know you want to start a business this 2023 and you are looking for business hacks but have problem articulating your idea. If you want to become an entrepreneur, it’s important to start with a great business idea.
All you need is a little bit of motivation and...
4 Big Business Trends for Entrepreneurs in 2024
Though there are many who can’t wait to bid adieu to 2023, there’s no doubt the coronavirus pandemic and the ways businesses had to adjust to ensure their survival changed the trajectory of what 2024 will look like and what businesses should do to get ready for the upcoming...
3 Reasons for Business Boom in 2023
Now is the best time to launch business amidst everything happening in the world. Though I believe there’s never really a ‘wrong’ time to start a business. Either way, you’re going to face challenges. Either way, you’re going to have to deal with some level of competition.
So instead of...
4 Federal Business opportunities for Entrepreneurs in 2023
The federal government makes it easy for small businesses to start bidding on government contracts. They even offer special business opportunities for women with qualified companies. While you are exploring all your options, be sure to check out these federal business opportunities for entrepreneurs.
4 Most Common Federal Business Opportunities