If you are sprouting facial hairs or just a little stubble here`s few tips you need to keep your face in check.
For decades now, the clean-cut man-boy was ruling the runway. Parted hair, skin-smooth like a two-year-old. Then a gritting crew rolled in and changed the game. With it, the beard invasion began. And for a while they took great on a beanie-and cardigan-wearing gang like flet fos, cause they are not just for dudes who dress down. When a guy wears a beard with a suit, it looks sexy. This is because it gives them this handsome, don`t-mess-with-me-appeal. The key is not letting it be too manscaped or overgrown.
Moreover, the chances are,you are going to need a little sculpting here and there. A little on the cheeks, a little on the neck depending on the kind of look you are going for. Ideally, you would leave that all to a professional.
However, if you choose to do the shaving yourself, here are some ground rules for you to adhere to.
Always use a hot towel to open the pores before you sculp and a cold towel to close your pore after. This keeps ingrown hairs, redness, and nicks in check.
Secondly, when you have an ingrown hair, put a hot towel on your face, disinfect the spot with some alcohol, take a tweezers and attend to it. Grab the hair as close to the base as possible to pull the bulb out. If you yank it from the top, you will just split the hair in half.
Contrastively, many guys treat shaving like a race and end up with nicks. Take the few extra seconds to add water too your shaving cream for an extra smooth-shave, and always go with the grain. Also, never squeeze facial hairs like they`re pimples. Dirts from your nails can lead to infection.