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HomeAccessoriesHow to Follow the Ring Finger Tradition

How to Follow the Ring Finger Tradition

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From wedding rings to finger tattoos, there are many ways to express your commitment of love to your partner and stick with tradition.

About Various Types of Rings

The Wedding Ring

   The Wedding Ring

Wedding rings as we know are worn on the fourth finger from the right on the left hand, particularly in the United States and United Kingdom. But, you’re also welcome to wear your wedding ring on the right-hand ring finger. In doing so, you’d be following the example of many central and northern European couples. The list includes Norway, Austria, Denmark, Poland, Belgium, Germany, Russia, Latvia, Greece, Bulgaria, and Ukraine. Orthodox Christians, too, customarily wore bands on the right. This was also the case in India, as it was once believed the left hand was unlucky or dirty. But nowadays, either hand can be a home for wedding baubles. The tradition is one that holds particularly great meaning to same –sex couples.

The Engagement Ring

   The Engagement Ring

The first recorded engagement ring was gifted by Austria’s Archduke maximilllian to his lady-love, Mary of Burgundy, in the 15th century. The custom of wearing an engagement ring was historically practiced by both males and females. Though it eventually lost its popularity  amongst men. Today, especially within same-sex marriage, men have begun wearing engagement rings again.

True to tradition, the newly-engaged have taken to wearing the engagement ring on the left ring finger. Interestingly, many of the people in Europe who choose to wear their wedding rings on their right hand, still wear their engagement ring on the left and then transfer it over. In contrast, betrothed couples in Colombia and Brazil often wear bands and engagement rings on their right hands, and, after completing their vows move rings to their left hand. Swedish brides might wear unique wedding ring sets, made up of an engagement ring, wedding band, and the ring of motherhood.

The Promise Ring

   The Promise Ring

The tradition of promise ring is also arguably traced back to ancient Roman times when ‘betrothal rings’ were made out of inexpensive iron. This was later followed by the rise of ‘posie ring’ In England and France from the 15tht to the 17th century. These were tokens exchanged between lovers and often inscribed with short love poems.

No Ring

   No Ring

Rings are a nice way to symbolize your union, and they’ve got those endless, infinite circle metaphors making a solid case for them; but you’ve got options. Like not wearing a ring at all, for example. Or, if you’re seriously committed to an expression of permanence and self sacrifice, nontraditional couples may opt to get a tattoo on their ring fingers to signify their marriage. In this particular instance, you should be very confident in your designation of the vein, finger, or hand that will display your commitment as it’s no longer a simple slip-on, slip-off kind of thing.

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