Interesting Basic Healthy Tips For The Feet

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As we know, the heart needs a lot of TLC, so do the feet too. After all, the Feet are the workhorses of your body, taking about 5,000 steps a day. That’s 2.5 miles! Not to mention that your feet have to bear the weight of your body every step of the way. In addition, we cram the feet into shoes and stand on them for long period of time. Those hardworking feet deserve a little more attention that you’re probably giving them. Here’s what you need to know. Just as you wouldn’t go a day without brushing your teeth, you shouldn’t go a day without taking care of your feet.

Below Are Few Healthy Tips For Te Feet:

When The Feet Has Corns And Calluses

 When The Feet Has Corns And Calluses

Mild corns and calluses don’t usually need treatment and will go away on their own. But there are some things you can do to help them go away more quickly.

Wear thick socks to protect your skin.

Rub your callus with a pumice stone while you’re in the bath or shower

Use corn pads to relieve pressure

Apply salicylic acid to help dissolve corns and calluses. Be sure to follow directions carefully so you don’t damage healthy skin. Never use acid treatment on your feet if you have diabetes.

Wear Prescription foot orthotics

Sweaty Feet

 Sweaty Feet

Wash the feet with antibacterial soap. Make sure to clean between your toes.

Dry your feet, and sprinkle them with cornstarch, foot powder, or antifungal powder.

Wear Moisture-wicking socks

Change socks frequently throughout the day.

However, if you can’t control it, see a doctor. Treatment options include prescription roll-on antiperspirant, Botox injections,iontophoresis and surgery. There is a new topical called Qbrexa that can be used to block the ability to sweat locally.

Warts On The Feet

 Warts On The Feet

These small growths of hardened skin are caused by a virus. They can be painful, especially when by a virus. They can be painful, especially when they develop on the bottom of your feet. Those are called plantar warts. For treatment, don’t try to treat warts yourself. Your doctor may remove the wart with a laser or by minor surgery, or use liquid nitrogen or a prescription topical. Although there are many over-the-counter wart treatments, you should only use them if your doctor advises it. You could accidentally mistake a wart for something like skin cancer and delay getting the right treatment, and some of those gels and liquids contain acids or chemicals that ,may destroy otherwise healthy tissue.