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HomeFootwearKids' Shoes And A Little Insight How Their Feet Grow

Kids’ Shoes And A Little Insight How Their Feet Grow

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We always have parents asking questions about whether their child is walking normal . Here, I have compiled a little information on how feet grow and what to do about Kids’ shoes.

Below are what Kids Shoes Should Look Like And How Their Feet Grow

At birth the bones in our feet are only partially developed. Over the years up to age fourteen, many of the bones fuse together to form the 26 bones found in the adult foot. Following the bones becoming their final shape they continue to grow up to age 18.

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It is also worthy of remembrance that a 16-year-old can be 10kg and 190cm tall, far bigger than Mum or Dad – Yet their feet are still growing and just as much in a state of change as those of a six-year-old! So we are not just talking ablout little people here.
Still following fairly predictable patterns of growth, each child develops in a individual way. In toeing, flatfeet, bowlegs, and knock-knees are very common development phases for children. Each phase serves a purpose standing flatfooted and bowlegged is a very stable position and makes walking easier, foe example.


There are also need to fit Kid’s shoes correctly

 There are also need to fit Kid's shoes correctly

The long term consequence is that if you get the footwear right in the first 18 years, a lot of problems will be avoided.
The Short term consequence being that good shoes that fit correctly will protect the growing foot, help minimise injuries and improve athletic performance. The aim of good shoe fitting for kids is to facilitate the foot developing correctly and growing strong.

The Danger Of Wrong Kids Shoe

 The Danger Of Wrong Kids Shoe
Wearing a shoe that is too strong will make the foot weak and reliant on footwear. If shoes are too big, they will bend in the wrong places and stress growing joints. Most at times shoes in mass discount stores are just in this category. The midsole of the shoe is actually hollow inside, which is not good.
Shoes Can Also Affect a Child’s Athlectic Performance
All parents on the side of the soccer field, netball court or athletic track dream their child will be going to a world champs or the Olympics. However, it is extremely hard for the child to be a champion in bad or poorly fitting shoes. So the child protegee ends up compromised and the parents are shattered.


Kids Shoes Really Need To Be Good

 Kids Shoes Really Need To Be Good
If any group of people doing exercise need good shoes, it is those between 10 and 17 years old. This is not surprising because then, the bones in the feet are growing and consolidating. The heel bone is very susceptible to injury in this age group. The heel bone and tibia shin bone can also get very inflamed between the growth plates as kids grow and are very active.

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When the bones consolidate, these injuries disappear. However, if they’re going to enjoy themseleves while growing, they need good shoes with good arch support and cushioned heels.
Finally, many parents are wary of spending too much on kids’ shoes, since they know full well that it only takes one growth spurt to consign that expensive footwear to the bin. However, you don’t need to spend alot to get good footwears.

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