Box Pleated Skirts
One could identify a box pleated skirt from the others as they have flat fabric in between two pleats. The flat fabric shows through from the pleats. When the top of the pleats are brought so close to each other that they almost kiss and their position is secured by a stitch. the box pleats are used for a lot of sport skirts as these offer the maximum room.
Skirts could come in with a variety of pleats to give more room to the wearer or as a design feature. Pleats could be stretched or permanently heat pressed on the skirts. Pleated skirts are not commonly worn on a day today basis.
Accordion Pleated Skirts
This type of skirt is one of which has a series of pleats of equal width. These resemble the pleats on a fordable hand fan. The accordion pleats are heat pressed in opposite directions. These are normally found in fabrics which could hold these pleats permanently. This kind of a skirt should be worn by thin people as pleats add volumes to the body.
Knife Pleated Skirts-Â when accordion pleats are pressed flat in the same direction, they are called knife pleats. Knife pleats are wider than the accordion pleats.
Circle Skirts
The hem circumference of these skirts are usually in a perfect circle. One could have panels attached at the waist to have a perfect skirt at the hem since any fabric will not be wide enough to make a complete circle.
These could be short or mid calf or ankle long in either case these are voluminous. The short length skirts suit the thin tall women, the longer varieties due to the volume and as the skirt suit the thin tall women, the longer varieties due to the volume and as the skirt normally does not hug the hips or the waist, suit the curvier women as well.
Circle skirts are a great symbol of femininity and can easily be made in light weight fabrics as these fabrics, have a lovely fall and drape and that is what the circle skirts require. Short circle skirts can be worn at a casual party, the longer ones could be worn to a more formal occasions even the red carpet.
By and large, like women, skirts come in all shapes and sizes making it sometimes difficult to understand the right kind to wear to an occasion; the guidelines given above should be able to help you through in looking your best in a skirt at every occasion.