Rules Guiding Shoes/footwear For Men

Rules Guiding Shoes/footwear For Men
Defacto Deals on Jumia

Always Wear The Right Shoe For All Occasion

This is a common mistake men make when it comes to footwear or shoes. Running shoes have a purpose; they protect your feet while running.  Steel toe work boots have thieirs too; they protect your feet while working. And wearing these shoes outside their prescribed function is fine as long as they are still appropriate; however, many of us take this to an extreme and have abandoned the middle ground between formal and ultra-casual.

Don`t sacrifice proper fit and comfort

Always buy the right shoe size, even if it means paying a bit more. This doesn`t mean you can`t buy from local business that that can really give you solid guidiance as to what styles are available and show you how to take care of your purchases. Another vital issue is paying close attention to shoe width. Men with extremely wide or narrow feet know about this from an early age, but many men who would be better saved by just a slightly wider or narrow shoe never discover their exact size because the normal size can do an OK job.

Always look out for Quality in footwears/shoes

Not everyman can afford to spend hundreds of naira on shoes only,however, some chooses to waste money on buying inferior products which spoils almost every year. As we know this is not a winning strategy , as low quality footwear is held together with glue and are made with cheap raw materials like cardboard and paper that does not age well. One can save in the long term through buying more expensive shoes that last for decades.
Furthermore, buying a quality shoe is in hand with saving and budget for the purchase.Through this it instil a sense of respect for the quality of the product and encourage you to take a bitter care of them when purchased.

Take care of your shoes

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Conclusively we`ve written about this extensively here at the art of Manliness. rotate through a few pans to allow them to dry between weary and always use wood shoe trees that will quickly soak up pespiration. This is especially important for leather shoes as the interior of a dress shoe has often not gone through the harsh chemical treatment of the upper and is more susceptible to rot.