The Science of Six Pack and The Guide to Help You

The Science of Six Pack and The Guide to Help You
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As we know there are lots of different resources and plans online proposing unique methods on how to get a six pack by using some technique, supplement or fad, this article will focus on the core principles you should know. Before trying to get a shredded six pack, you must understand how it is actually achieved, from a scientific perspective. Firstly, everyone has some form of a six pack, but the degree of our abdominal definition and six pack quality is dependent on just a few variables.

 Here’s some six pack science and guide to help you

Six Pack Workouts vs Other Workouts

   Six Pack Workouts vs Other Workouts

If you want a great six pack I’m actually going to recommend you minimize ab workouts. While this may sound counter-intuitive and strange, it makes perfect sense once you understand the biggest sense once you understand the biggest limiting factor is overall body fat and not your abdominal muscles. To achieve this six pack, you actually need to focus on workout modalities that burn body fat as quickly as possible. Sadly, because the core is a similar muscle group, it’s not actually that efficient at burning body fat, especially compared to other forms of exercise such as metabolic resistance training. If you do love six pack training or wish to train your core for other health/biomechanical benefits, then this is fine, but I would limit it to just 10-15 minutes at the end of your main workouts.

Try Eat For Your Six Pack

   Try Eat For Your Six Pack

If our main goal is reducing overall body fat levels, then diet is going to play an extremely important role in this. By Pinpointing your nutrition, you can quickly burn body fat which will help reveal your abs and give you a great six pack. Combined with the exercise methods mentioned above you will see noticeable results and be six pack-ready this summer.

When it comes to a well-designed weight loss nutrition plan there are a few fundamental variables we must master. Below is an overview:

Total Calories For Six Pack

   Total Calories For Six Pack

Total energy balance or calorie is also vital. Ultimately, you must be consuming fewer calories than your body needs so it is forced to burn stored body fat. As a rule of thumb, for fast weight loss I recommend you aim for around 11-12 calories per 1ib of bodyweight. For a 200ib individual, this would equal around 2200-2400 calories per day.



Protein is key for losing fat; with research showing it can double weight loss while also protecting your hard earned muscle.

Carbs & Fat For Six Pack:

   Carbs & Fat For Six Pack:

There are many dieting methods these days, from low carb diets to carb backloading and the common high card, low fat diet. All methods can work ultimately, if protein intake is high and your daily calories are reduced, you will see good results.


If you are already very lean  and just looking to enhance your six pack definition and structure, try these ab workouts and carb dieting.