The Truth About Wristwatches And Kids

The Truth About Wristwatches And Kids
Defacto Deals on Jumia

In recent years, cell phones have become normal things for nearly all people to have and carry. Many people use their cell phones as a timepiece. I cannot even explain just how many times a customer has come in and said, ‘I guess you people don’t sell wristwatches anymore?’. Yes, we sell a lot of watches’ and lately there have noticed a trend towards the younger generation buying watches.

Below Are Info Kids’ Wristwatches


Theoritically, ten or fifteen years ago, kids (from 15 years) had kid style watches. When they got their cell phones, they ditches their kids wristwatches as they wore them out or outgrew them and used  the phone as the timekeeper. Now, those ‘kids’ range from college-age to young professionals and may view wristwatches  in a company different light. They may realize that a watch is actually a more convenient method of telling time and also may serve to define a personal style or make a statement about ones station in life. A growing number of brides-to-be purchase a nice watch for the groom as a wedding gift, with the wedding date engraved on the back.


Wristwatches ‘may be going the way of the abacus’ declared a news article in The  Sacramento Bee in 2006. The times of London had it ‘going the same way as the sundial’ The Boston Globe, in a 2005 lifestyle feature, was more definitive. Anyone who needs to know the time these days would be wise to ask someone over the age of 30. To most young people, wristwatches are now becoming an  obsolete artifact.’


The watch is experiencing a major uptick especially among members of the supposed lost generation.


As recently as five years ago, time seemed to be running out for the wristwatch.  With cellphones, Ipods and other clock-equipped devices being omnipresent, armchair sociologists were writing off wristwatches as  antiquated, joining and pocket calculators on the list of outmoded gadgets. I don’t see the watch becoming an obsolete gadget anytime soon.