Things To Know About Heavy Student Bags

Things To Know About Heavy Student Bags
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When student bags are too heavy, not lifted properly or carried on one shoulder it leads to straining of the soft tissues in the back. Daily repetition of these activities promotes incorrect posture, damage to the spine, permanent structural deformities and muscular tension throughout the body. School bag syndrome refers to  the physical and emotional impacts kids experience because of the weight their school bag syndrome or not? There is a number of evident symptoms that you may notice. These include; Headache, Pressure behind eyes, Pressure over, Concentration and memory, neck pain and irritability etc.


Measures To Be Taken To Avoid Back Pain When Carrying Student Bags


A backpack should not weigh more than 10-15% of total body weight of the child. Two strapped bags with wide padded shoulder straps should be used. The bag should be adjusted to be carried 2-3 inches above the waist. Correct lifting techniques should be used that is bending at knees and lifting. Students bags should carry only required books and stuff.

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Follow an active lifestyle, eat healthily and exercise regularly to maintain strong and flexible back and trunk musculature. Use of vitamins and nutritional supplements may help address any nutritional deficiencies. Parents should educate correct lifting techniques and sufficient packing of the student bags.


Student Bags  With Multiple Pockets Should Be Used

 Student Bags  With Multiple Pockets Should Be Used

Using the pocket closest to back for heavier books and packing lighter ones in front pockets effectively distributes weight. Schools can help in sharing the bad load by providing book storage space for every class. When estimated, it cost only 50 Rs/child/year for the school to arrange cupboards for each class.


Print Textbooks Required For A Stipulated Lesson

 Print Textbooks Required For A Stipulated Lesson

One of the ways to lighten the heavy lead is to print books that can be separated into various parts that are needed for the lessons. Textbooks could be divided into three terms or chapters, and the ones required for the day can be placed in a ring file. And instead of using exercise books, pupils should use test pads that can be compiled into ring files as well. Pupils can then carry just two ring files, one for the lessons and the other for the exercises.

Finally, nothing is more important than the health and wellbeing of our students. If the issue of heavy school bags is not resolved, we might see a generation of hunchbacks! I believe the above should enlighten stakeholders on the ways to lighten student bags