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HomeAccessoriesWhy Heavy School Bags  Are Harmful For Your Kids

Why Heavy School Bags  Are Harmful For Your Kids

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Is your child staggering under the weight of her school bag? But it has indeed become a common sight. Kids can be seen lugging heavy backpacks every morning, altering their walk and shoulders to handle the added pressure on their backs and shoulders. A spine specialist said the weight of the school bag should be less than 10 percent of the body weight of the child. Anything more than that can negatively affect a child’s spine health. Backpack takes a  heavy troll on children. An overload or incorrectly worn backpack creates stress on the spine, which could cause a child to lean too far forward and experience distortion of the natural curve of the spine, rolling their shoulders and causing a more rounded upper back. Some students wear their bags only one shoulder, And They might walk titled to one side and suffer neck pain. Excess weight can cause spine, shoulder, neck and other musculoskeletal pains. The spine at risk of injury.


School bags normally weigh anywhere between 1kg to 10kgs. In across-sectional study to understand the effects of the weight of schoolbags and musculoskeletal health problems in primary school students, they found a significant correlaction between school bag weight and discomfort complained by students.   42% of patients reported discomfort in shoulder region followed by 23.9 percent reported in the neck.


 Signs To Watch For To School Bags  Back Pain

 Signs To Watch For To School Bags  Back Pain

How do you know that your child is suffering from school bag related health complications? Watch out for consistent complain of neck pain around their shoulder straps. Tiredness in shoulders or upper back and even discomfort in sitting can be the side effects of carrying a heavy bag.


What can parents Do To Avoid Children  School Bags Backpain

What can parents Do To Avoid Children  School Bags Backpain

It is important that parents and students choose backpacks that are best for backs. It is important to pick bags that have two wide padded shoulder straps. It will help to distribute the weight evenly and not dig into the shoulders. The frame of the backpack should be in proportion to your child’s frame with the straps resting in the middle of the shoulder. Straps should not be so wide that they slip off the shoulders or cut into the neck muscles. Some bags even come with hip strap.


 It is extremely important that kids carry books according to their time table and do not carry extra books along . Also, the heaviest items should be placed against the back and distributed evenly. Parents should also choose tiffin boxes and bottles that do not exceptionally add excess load to the already heavy bag. However, ensure that you consult a spine specialist if pain persist for more than 4 to 5 weeks.


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